Two Houses in Oropesa

Two Houses in Oropesa

Oropesa. Toledo


Oropesa is known for its castle, built in 1402 as the residence for a noble family from Toledo, who undertook the construction of an unfinished aerial connection between the castle and the “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción” church. The structure is supported by arches and walls that cut across the city, and in which these houses are embedded. The houses were small, with many divisions, and in ruins. They had two shared courtyards behind one of the facades, with wide brick arches crossing them. The project opens a long, narrow courtyard/crack, which defines two asymmetrical houses on either side, built for two siblings. The roofs were dismantled and rebuilt a meter higher, reusing the clay roof tiles. The two structures are linked together by the two powerful brick arches, which are protected as historical monuments.

Built | Commission | 316 sqm
Calle Iglesia 1 and 3.
Oropesa. Toledo.
Fritz Höger Preis Special Mention 2017
ASCER Spain Tile Award of Architecture
Selected for the Spanish Pavilion awarded with a Golden Lion at the Biennale di Archittectura 2016
Hispalyt Arquitectura Cerámica Award 2015
Architect of the year Award 2018
Architects: Ángela García de Paredes. Ignacio G. Pedrosa
Client: Reyes y Gonzalo Robledo
Management: Reyes y Gonzalo Robledo
Collaborators: Álvaro Rábano. Clemens Eichner. Roberto Lebrero. Blanca Leal. Guiomar Martín
Consultants: Nieves Plaza Mechanical Engineers. GOGAITE S.L. Structural Engineers
Technical control: Inés Cobisa
Contractor: Construcciones Gonzalo y Chuchy S.L.
Photographs: Luis Asín

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