Espacio Torner Museum
“Espacio Torner” is placed inside the church besides San Pablo Monastery, an impressive site in Cuenca overlooking river Huécar cliffs. In this Gothic interior the work of this artist, one of the founders of the Abstract Art Museum in Cuenca, is installed. The inner space of the church is preserved and a spatial structure of three-dimensional panels displays the art collection without distorting the scale of the desacralized room. In this way there is interplay between both scales, the gothic high nave and the new freestanding structure built with wood panels painted white. The necessary installations are placed under the new pavement and also in the new panels leaving the gothic interior untouched as an independent architecture inside another, where the original vaults can be seen from any point, illuminated with a tenuous golden light. From the outside only the new revolving door open towards the cliff, indicates the intervention.
Built | Commission | 1.300 sqm
San Pablo Church
Hoz del Huecar. Cuenca
Special Mention Europa Nostra 2006
Architects: Ángela García de Paredes. Ignacio G. Pedrosa
Client: Ministry of Culture
Management: Torner Foundation
Collaborators: Álvaro Rábano. Pilar Barroso. Manuel García de Paredes
Consultants: GEASYT S.A. Mechanical Engineers
Technical control: Luis Calvo
Contractor: BANASA. Barroso Nava S.A.
Photographs: Roland Halbe
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