Wertheim Area
Our proposal for Wertheim site in the centre of Berlin is not only the resolution for the octagon shape of Leipziger Platz plan but also it intends to build up a piece of the city, making the most of the planning capacity for the benefit of the city. The mixed uses are set up in a complex building lined up with the city grid that interplays with the nearby constructions and streets permitting public spaces between them. On the ground floor plan, commercial streets and passages, set as grid of streets, invites you to get into the area. From Leipziger Street the building is quiet, but its interior is a beating heart full of light and activity where the public roof terraces can be reached by open mechanical staircases. The dwellings are placed facing south aligned with Voss Strasse and they display vertically to acquire the condition of an independent vertical element with capacity to become an urban landmark. This slender plied volume emerges from the roof garden, with commanding views towards the sky of Berlin.
Competition | Finalist in international restricted competition | 149.000 sqm
Leipziger Platz
Architects: Ángela García de Paredes. Ignacio G. Pedrosa
Client: ORCO. Viterra
Collaborators: Alvaro Rábano. Clemens Eichner. Lucía Guadalajara. Cornelius Schmitz. Guiomar Martín Pascal Germann
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