world car center vigo

World Car Center



The new Car Center integrates two new buildings and an existing one that needs to be transformed: different situations, different uses and different forms. The faceted image naturally adapts to the various geometries of these situations, wrapping them up with a transparent and light skin that allows the passage of air and glimpses of the different interiors, with the intention of offering a unified reading in such diverse conditions. The proposal allows different conditions to coexist. uses such as offices, homes, classrooms or workshops, different urban geometries and different levels with particular attention to the context. The result will be the sum of different pieces to be integrated into the diversity of the city that arises from the continuity of the urban plan and from a lookout towards and from the city.

Competition | 4t prize | 14.607,09 sqm
Avenida do Alcalde Portanet, Vigo,
Architects: Ángela García de Paredes, Ignacio G. Pedrosa
Client: Concorci Zona Franca de Vigo
Collaborators: Clemens Eichner, Luis G. Pachón, Álvaro Rábano, Roberto Lebrero
Students: Laura Martucciello (Erasmus +), Paola Lenzoni (Eures Network), Chiara Livi(Erasmus Madrid)
2019. AV proyectos 093 2019. Pág. 41. ISSN: 1697-493X

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