Cabin in Aguilafuente

Cabin in Aguilafuente

Segovia, Spain

2021 – 2022

This small pavilion hosts only one room that fulfills the desire of its owners to sleep at the level of an orchard and under a skylight to see the sky of Aguilafuente. The building is an extension to the original house from the 17th century, included in the heritage protection catalogue, which encloses a rural orchard, and it is attached as part of the party wall between a hazelnut tree and a magnolia tree. The connection is made through a light metallic porch that cares the vegetation and that also solves the paths, shading and protection from the rain. The pavilion is a compact volume with a pitched roof that incorporates the skylight in its highest part and that is integrated in continuity to the porch to become a gutter that pours the water to a nearby well where the bathroom space opens. The construction refers to the construction system of the rural tradition of Segovia, with its updating to modern systems of timber prefabrication and its dark green colour seeks integration with the wall and with the orchard and garden.

built | commission | cabin 38  m2, porch 25 m2
Aguilafuente, Segovia
Architects: Ángela García de Paredes, Ignacio G. Pedrosa
Client: Private
Collaborators: Álvaro Rábano, Roberto Lebrero, Luis G Pachón, Juan Sebastían Vintimilla
Structure: Arte Madera Laimar sl (Antonio Laín)
Photos: Luis Asín. Paredes Pedrosa

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