konzerthaus munchen




To fit the industrial nature of the place, the building is integrated into the urban fabric and volumetry as a rectangular glass parallepiped that allows the vision both of its structural organization and the spatially articulated concert halls that seem to float inside. Under the music halls, a continuous ground floor is spatially contained by a cascade of stairs that lead to the concert halls, allowing the life of the city to enter into the new agora.
The main hall is interpreted as a differentiated golden spatial structure, a “single room” that hangs off-center from the alignments, configuring public spaces on various levels. It is designed as an evolution of the former symphonic halls, combining the best features that the shoe box ones have provided to the later rooms, whose acoustic prestige does not correspond to the necessary relationship between musicians and audience. The small hall is conceived as a musical black box, a room for interpretation and also as a laboratory for musical creation.

Restricted International Competition | selected | 45.627 sqm
Arquitects: Ángela García de Paredes, Ignacio G. Pedrosa + RIEGLERRIEWE architects
Client: The Free State of Bavaria
Architect collaborators: Álvaro Rábano, Clemens Eichner, Roberto Lebrero, Luis G Pachón
Students: Federica Fioresse (IUAVenecia)

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